Dante Square

Piazza Dante

Piazza Dante Napoli

The poet’s statue dominates austerely the square, whose architecture is wide and majestic. It almost seems that Dante himself wants to paraphrase his famous verses to adapt them to the very spirit of this magic place:

“Through me you go into the joyful city
Through me you go into the eternal colour
Through me you go among shrewd people
Embrace exuberance, you that enter!”

Dante Square, one of the most beautiful Napoli squares.
Piazza Dante is the essential starting point for any place: as soon as you go out of our B&B, a few steps further, you will find the new 1st Line of the underground station. Through it you could reach, in a few minutes, the National Archaeological Museum where you can – and must!- admire a collection of works of art and remains which cannot be lost because of their uniqueness in the world.

If, instead, you cross the adjacent via Roma and enter the popular and populous rione della Pignasecca – known because of a picturesque food market – you will reach in a few steps Montesanto Station: from there you will be pulled, by a funicular, up San Martino hill where the omonimous opulent Certosa and the fairy-tale Castel Sant’Elmo have a panoramic view of Naples and its gulf.

Bed and breakfast Piazza Dante Napoli

dormire a Napoli - Piazza Dante

Coming down Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, you will be a few steps from the Monastero di Santa Chiara, from where you can go along Piazza San Domenico, in whose vicinity there is theCappella del Principe di San Severo. Piazza Dante is flanked by via Roma – which becomes via Toledo where it meets the Quartieri Spagnoli – on which you can walk leisurely (it actually goes downwards) – and be, after a quarter of an hour, among shops, historic buildings and picturesque “vichi” (very narrow streets), in Piazza Plebiscito, from where you can start in order to discover still another world.

These are only some of the infinite possibilities – using our B&B as a starting point – of creating a personalized route based on your own curiosities and necessities, admiring at the same time the most known sites of our city.


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